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MEETINGS: The Descendants of '76 meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month and on Saturday mornings.






Regent Brooke Terry


First Vice Regent Cynthia Strassberg


Second Vice Regent Sandy Parsons


Chaplain Mary Helmentoler


Recording Secretary Jane DeCell


Corresponding Secretary Linda Ethington / Bonnie Langbourgh


Treasurer Cynthia Toussaint 


Registrar Jo Porter


Historian Phyllis Wilson


Librarian Jeny Stoesz


Honorary Regents Debbie Siebert, Sheri O'Connell, Jo Porter,

Cindy Hays, Kay Elsassar, Karen Falkenstein, Marelen Taggart


Members Serving NSDAR - 

National Vice Chair of National Tours and Board Events-

Sheri O'Connell


Continental Congress Hospitality Shops

Sheri O'Connell


Members Serving DCDAR

DCDAR State Organizing Secretary  Sheri O'Connell 


National Committees 

America 250! State Chair - Sheri O'Connell

American History State Chair - Ellen Schreiber

Community Service State Chair - Cynthia Tousaint

Literacy Promotion State Chair - Allison Ottenbreit


State Committees 

Archives State Chair -  Debbie Siebert

Boundary Stones - Jan Partridge












The content contained herein does not necessarily represent the position of the NSDAR. Hyperlinks to other sites are not the responsibility of the NSDAR, the state organizations, or individual DAR chapters. The DAR Insignia is the property of, and is copyrighted by, the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution.





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The Descendants of '76 Chapter, a member of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) is comprised of a group of dynamic and interesting women who share an interest in community service and a dedication to patriotism. Our membership history includes one of the first female aviators in the U.S., a space shuttle astronaut, a United States Ambassador, and many other women with significant professional and personal accomplishments. We are the 2nd largest chapter in DCDAR. We enthusiastically welcome new members who bring their energy and ideas to our chapter. We are a multi generational chapter and we look forward to hearing from prospective members and hope that you can join us for a meeting!


Chapter History

The Sarah St. Clair Chapter was organized on November 3, 1909. It was named in honor of Sarah St. Clair who was the great great grandmother of the man married to the founding regent. She was an American Revolutionary War patriot. On September 11, 1922, several members transferred to the Emily Nelson Chapter.  The remaining members selected a new name, “Descendants of '76.”  


Interesting Fact!  On June 15, 1918, the chapter received into membership Julia Purcell Gray, a Real Daughter, whose father was a boyhood friend and neighbor of George Washington; he served under him in the American Revolution.


History of the Capitol Chapter


The Capitol Chapter, NSDAR was organized on March 18, 1916, and celebrated its 50th anniversary at a luncheon in March 1966.  The Capitol Chapter disbanded in June 1982, and nineteen members of the Capitol Chapter joined the Descendants of '76 Chapter. Descendants of '76 Honorary Chapter Regent Cindy Hays then organized the Capitol Chapter with several Descendants of '76 chapter members in 2013.





The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution


 The DAR Insignia is the property of, and is copyrighted by, the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. The content contained herein does not necessarily represent the position of the

NSDAR. Hyperlinks to other sites are not the responsibility of the NSDAR, the state organizations, or individual DAR chapters. Contact WEBMASTER with any questions or comments. Updated 7/31/2017.


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